CLASS of 1961

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Photos from Karyl Whelan.  Click on any photo for a larger view.

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Linda Bryant and Judi Stimac

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Betsy Vergeer, Louise Larson
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Linda Bryant. Judi Stimac
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Bill Sahlin, Tom Fergusson
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Joan Murphy
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Doug Capps, Sue Hirsch
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Doug Capps, Jack Cain, Liz Stavney, Doug Neely
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Anne Parkhurst, Gary Upham
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Bob Amend, Doug Neely
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Bob Stayton, Mike Ellmaker
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Barb Morrison, Don Snell, Gerry Jones, Margie Brice, Mary Ann Buck
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Ron Coblantz, Joe Embree, Greg Hawkes
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Jan Peterson, Judi Stimac
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Kirk McNeil talking to Ted Walker (Liz Neilson's husband and class of 59 or 60)
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Carolyn Yerkovich, Liz Stavney
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Carolyn Yerkovich, Liz Stavney
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Merry Decker, Liz Stavney, Carolyn Yerkovich, Betsy Vergeer
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Barbara Morrison, Gerry Jones, Karyl Whelan
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Karyl Whelan, Marni Reinmuth
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Pete Ryback, Paul Ashton
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Barbara Schleich
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Don Erickson (Gerry's husband and class of '60)
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Leslie Bruchner
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David Bernhard
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Carol Hawkins
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Nancy McCall, Linda Dahlquist
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Neil Hundtoft, Rodger Jolly
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Midge Pointer
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Judy Clare, Mary Ann Hamnett, Jackie Davis
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Craig Webley
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Marni Reinmuth, Jody Johnson
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Jan Obinger
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Loretta Clark, Sally Denniston

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